There is a very simple selection of Thai food and other reasons in the small number of places on the round floor.
On the ground floor you can purchase a card for 100 to 200 Baht grounds and then you can see at the chances. And then never seems to be very many people here and this is certainly an easy place for lunch.
Then simply found a detail by wandering around. Find the food that you want.
Then collect the cutlery near where you will sit down.
And then food is very cheap.
So it's a great place to have a simple bite to eat...
Previous Visits
1) Pancake and Coffee Club (Jan 2017)
2) Kanemochii Ice cream (Oct 2016)
3) Kasa Restaurant (June 2016)
Phone Number: 082 419 5445
Approximate Price: $$$$$
Address: Limelight Lifestyle Mall
Hours: 10am - 10pm
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